<p> </p><p>On 27.12.2018, there is a notification from TAMIL NADU GENERATION DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LIMITED about the new Software.</p><p><a href="https://eclouds.net/full_news.php?id=25">Please click here for notification</a></p><p>The detailed process of new software is below.</p><p>The new HT billing software was roll out and now the comprehensive new Open Access software is proposed for the bill month of January 2019. As per the newly developed software all the allotments (WEG wise) shall be made through online by the generators which are to be validated by respective generating end EDCs.</p><p>In order to facilitate the above, it is instructed that the banked energy available, after adjustment for the bill month of December 2018, in respect of Group Captive WEGs shall be furnished to the generators. Then the generators has to provide the banking details of each WEG. The WEG wise banking details is to be verified with the overall banked energy and the same shall be entered in the OA software by the generating end EDCs concerned.</p><p>In case of 100% ownership WEG services for which the banking is maintained at consumer end, the WEG wise banking details is to be furnished to the CE/IT in the excel format . In this regard, if the adjustment is from more than one WEG, the WEG with higher cost is to be adjusted first and the lower cost later. The banking details may be worked out accordingly and verified.</p><p>Till now the manual calculation for both generator end and customers banking details were practiced which resulted in various issueslike formal letters need to be sent to customer end EDC by generators as well as consumers for reversal banking units to generator end EDC as banking is to be maintained only at generator end EDC other than the 100% ownership. This was a time consuming process due to lack of staff and delay in sending the banked units at consumer end to generator end EDC after which only the generator can raise the invoice to CE-NCES for the unutilized / banked energy.</p><p>After verifying the WEG wise banking units’ statement of generators with the overall banked energy, the same shall be entered in the OA software by the officials of EB.This reduces all the manual calculation errors and favors the best possible banking of both generator end customer end EDCs. The earlier HT billing software had the editing option if there is any clerical error it can be corrected and the bill payment by consumers can done after the rectification. Now that the new HT billing software is implemented it allows editing option only till 7th of each month it advised to all consumers to get the details allotted units at the earliest and verify their EB bill before 7th of each month. In case of any wrong adjustment or no adjustment of units it cannot be done once the bill is finalized after which the edit option is disabled. Hence consumers are advised to give more priority to verify their EB bill on time. So, the respective people need to handle it with more care in order to avoid these issues.</p><p>We hope this automation and new software improves the efficiency and removes all hindrance that is present at both generator end as well as consumer end EDC.</p><p> </p>