<p>eClouds Associates with First Climate (India) Private Limited(FCIPL) for Business Development Activities for Carbon Credits.</p><p>eClouds will assist the Company to prepare the Project Document. The Company would provide all the relevant technical information/data to eClouds. eClouds will be forming a bundle of multiple projects from various owners, to make it commercially more viable for registration and sale of carbon credits.<br>?</p><p>eClouds will advise the Company to identify suitable validator(s)/verifier(s). eClouds will also assist the Company to prepare suitable replies to the queries from the validator(s)/verifier(s) and if any, during registration.</p><p>eClouds will assist the Company to identify potential buyers of GHG Emission Reduction (ER) units. eClouds will facilitate signing of the Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA) with the buyer(s) of ERs.<br>The Company will receive ERs (carbon credit) after submission of verification statement by verification agency. Each time before the verification agency performs verification, eClouds will compare the data/ information prepared by the Company as per the requirements.</p><p>What are carbon credits and how do they work?</p><p>The underlying theory is simple. If one party can’t stop emitting CO2, it can ask another to emit less so that, even as the first carries on producing CO2, the total amount of carbon in the atmosphere is reduced.</p><p>There are three basic types of carbon credits:</p><p>Those from reduced emissions (typically energy efficiency measures)<br>Removed emissions (carbon capture and planting forests)<br>And avoided emissions (for example refraining from cutting down rainforests).</p>