
Latest TANGEDCO Letter on Allotment and Deadlines

<p>Dear Readers,</p><p>The holiday season of the year, the last month of 2022, has begun. On Nov 20, COP27 ended with deep concerns on environmental damage for the most vulnerable countries. Operational funds are to be organized for the developing countries who are prone to climate crisis. India being a fast-developing country and we did see a progress of at least 20.5 times more increase in solar energy capacity since last 8 years *. This is a commendable work to be done.? eClouds have somewhere here contributed to that increase of solar capacity as well. Of course, on the other hand, there’s always a fight for operational peace continues with the Distribution Licensee. From day 1 of acquiring a land or blocking the load for your Solar Plant, operational difficulties pop up. Having said that, a recent circular released by TANGEDCO, states that allotment for the consumers are to be done within 48 hours from the creation of generation statement.**</p><p>Few problems that the Distribution Licensee here should resolve before releasing such circulars are,</p><p>1.???? AMRs were said to be automatic and should update the generation statement almost instantaneously. Of course, Readers, this takes almost 4 days from the month’s last date.</p><p>2.???? Such uploaded statements in the open access portal becomes inaccessible and the server literally does not respond for hours when there’s comparatively high traffic in the network. Again, an unsecured website!</p><p>3.???? Understand that allotment of units to consumers is a manual task. As humans are prone to mistakes, a sufficient time to be set across for careful crosschecking and uploading of data. Alas!? The distribution licensee wants a MANUAL task to be done within 48 hours whereas an Automated generation statement requires minimum 3 days.</p><p>In line with the above, eClouds have prepared a letter draft which the renewable energy generators can present it to their corresponding EDCs. We also recommend you to send a post to DD and the TNERC CE too. To get the draft letter, please write us to on <a href=""></a>. We will send the draft letters.</p><p>*- As per the data procured from</p><p>**- Attached TANGEDCO Circular along with this newsletter.Dear Readers,</p>

