<figure class="table"><table><tbody><tr><td><h2><strong>OPEN ACCESS ENERGY ADJUSTMENT AND ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE</strong></h2><p>This document outlines the procedures and rules for handling allocation adjustments in Open Access Energy Accounting Software to ensure smooth monthly billing activities:</p><p>i. Allocation resets are allowed by the software if HT bills are not finalized when the generator requests them.</p><p>ii. Once HT bills are finalized and e-invoices are generated, allocation resets are not permitted, even if one HT-consumer's bill is finalized.</p><p>iii. Allocation resets for group captive consumers may create date-related ambiguities, and reconciliation should be done for audit purposes.</p><p>iv. Generator requests for allocation reset will not be entertained if HT bills for the service in question are already finalized.</p><p>v. Coordination between the concerned EDC and the CFC/Revenue office is crucial for allocation revisions and timely finalization of HT bills and revenue collection.?</p></td></tr><tr><td><h2><strong>ENERGY BANKING FOR WINDMILLS COMMISSION BEFORE 2018</strong></h2><p>The Tamil Nadu High Court has upheld an interim order issued by a single judge, directing the TANGEDCO to allow wind energy generators to use their own electricity and provide a banking facility for one year for electricity generated by windmills commissioned before 2018.</p><p>The order was passed in a batch of appeals filed by TANGEDCO against the single judge's order, which was passed in response to a writ petition filed by wind energy generators.</p><p>In its order, the High Court noted that the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has retained the practice of one year banking period for wind energy generators commissioned before 2018. . The court also noted that the TNERC order permitting banking for one year is not stayed by the Supreme Court.</p><p>The court therefore held that the interim order passed by the single judge is not in conflict with the TNERC order and does not appear to be unreasonable. The court accordingly dismissed TANGEDCO's appeals seeking to vacate the interim order.</p><p>The court also adjourned the writ appeals to November 7, 2023, at the request of the MNRE, which sought time to take necessary instructions on a policy with regard to old windmills.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></figure>